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Summer Fun Without Pests

Summer fun

Summer, summer, summertime!  In 1992 Will Smith, as the Fresh Prince, won the Grammy for best rap group or duo with his hit song “Summertime”.  This song was a slow moving, upbeat hip hop song that represented the laid back attitude that summer can bring.  The classic musical Grease has that famous song “Summer Nights” about summer love and the quintessential American youth filled summer.   Summer is a season that is historically linked to so many positive and fun things like the beach, vacation, campfires, barbecues, and good times with family and friends.  Yes, summer is and always has been a time here in the States that is centered on fun; and because it’s summer, it’s almost always outside fun.  But, what happens when that long anticipated summer fun activity is halted because of pesky summer pests?  Oh no!  Parkway Pest Services has the answer to keep summer pests from ruining your memory-making summer activities.  Let’s discuss summer’s big time pests and discover how to keep them away and keep your summer fun right on schedule!

Are ants invading your summer picnic or kitchen?

Ants are an issue in the warmer months because they are out and about looking for food and water.  When we give them what they are looking for they will stick around and build a nest.  When we don’t, then they will move on.  Most ants are a nuisance, except for the carpenter ant which can be quite destructive to our homes.

Are hornets, bees, wasps and stinging insects chasing your barbecue guests indoors?

Most stinging insects like wasps, bumble bees, and yellow jackets are drawn to flowers and sugary substances.  If you seem to have an influx of these uninvited guests in your yard, take a look around and see if there’s a nest that has made its way too close to your home or property.  Be diligent about these invaders because their stings can be quite painful and some people have allergic reactions to them that can be severe.

Are mosquitoes and ticks trying to get their next meal in your yard?

Mosquitoes and ticks have been spending a lot of time in the limelight, and quite rightfully so.  The possible issues with a bite from one of these all too common pests is they can bring more than just an initial injury.  These two warmer weather pests carry some scary diseases and viruses that can be quite serious.  For a complete list of these diseases and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) on control and prevention, click here.

Controlling and preventing these summer pests from taking over your picnic, barbecue, or from preying on your family, friends, pets, and loved ones is easy.  All you have to do is contact the experts here at Parkway Pest Services and discover how affordable one of our year-round pest control programs can be.  Our team of friendly professionals will discuss your unique situation with you and will help you to discover the best program that fits your needs and your life.  Don’t let these summer pests be part of your summer memories.  Make them a memory that you will soon forget and start making the summer memories that matter with a pest free summer with help from Parkway Pest Services.
