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Garden City's Guide To The Adorable Yet Dangerous Flying Squirrel

a flying squirrel infestation in a garden city new york back yard

There is a cute, adorable and amazing animal that sometimes makes itself a pest in Long Island homes. It is called a flying squirrel. These animals come into our Garden City yards to find food, water and harborage. During the year, they'll eat acorns from the ground, drink water from puddles and live in trees. When it gets cold out and snow starts to cover the trees, food sources outside become scarce and squirrels begin to rely more on food sources provided by humans, such as birdseed littered on top of the snow. They'll also take us up on our offer to stay in our homes, even if we made no such offer verbally. You might not know it, but your attic space is the perfect location for a flying squirrel to hide from the winter cold. It is important that you take steps to seal things up.

Flying Squirrel Exclusion

December isn't the best time to go around your roofline and climb up onto your roof to seal possible entry points or to apply metal flashing to vulnerable areas, but when spring comes, it is a good idea to take some time to do this or hire someone to do it.

Flying Squirrel Extraction

If you're hearing gnawing noises or scampering noises in your attic spaces and you suspect that you may have a squirrel up there, we strongly recommend having a wildlife control specialist take care of your problem. A flying squirrel can present many problems in your home and these problems should be fully corrected with comprehensive wildlife control services. Inside your attic spaces a flying squirrel can:

  • Damage your insulation and other building materials as it gathers materials for a nest.
  • Damage your home as it goes in and out. 
  • Leave urine and feces everywhere. This waste can be a source of contamination and illness.
  • Destroy stored furniture and other items that are in storage. Squirrels sometimes chew holes in stored couches or chairs and create a nest inside. They'll chew their way into boxes as well.
  • Bring ticks, fleas and other parasites into your home. If these parasites find their way down into your home, they can spread diseases to you and everyone living in your home. They can also make your pets sick.

We get many questions about flying squirrels. Here are a few of the most common questions we receive.

  • Where do you find flying squirrels? In nature, you're going to find flying squirrels living in the cavities of trees or in underground nests. If they can find a cozy void, they'll hide in it. They'll also hide in a cozy void within your home. While your attic is a primary spot, it isn't the only place a flying squirrel will create a nest. They'll get into ceiling and wall voids and other undisturbed locations.
  • Are Flying Squirrels dangerous to humans? Flying squirrels can be dangerous under a few specific circumstances, such as when they are cornered or when they are protecting their young. They can be a source of illness as well. They aren't, however, considered to be a severe disease threat.
  • Are Flying Squirrels good pets? No wild animal makes a good pet when it is allowed to roam freely inside your home. They can do lots of damage and they can act unpredictably. But if you purchase a domesticated flying squirrel, they can make wonderful pets. It is said that these animals develop a deep bond with their owners.

What To Do About Flying Squirrels

If you live in the Garden City and you have flying squirrels in your home, contact the Wildlife Removal & Exclusion Specialists at Parkway Pest Services for an appropriate and humane removal of these cute little rodents. They may be adorable, but the things they do in your home are not adorable at all. Reach out to us today for immediate assistance.
