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NY Termite Swarmers: Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

termite swarmers

This is the time of year when couples put out all the stops to make sure their loved ones know just how much they care. With Valentine’s Day upon us, we thought it was a good time to share the story of the lonely termite swarmers. Come early spring, termite swarmers (aka the reproductive termites or flying termites) will begin their flight to look for a mate. Unfortunately, a large termite swarm is enough to signal homeowners that they have a termite colony nearby and it is time to call in the NY termite control team at Parkway.

While there could be hundreds, even thousands of flying termites during an early spring termite swarm, some will be unsuccessful at finding a mate and forming a new colony. Most termite swarmers are simply looking for love in all the wrong places (like the window sill) or quite simply cannot escape from your house. After a few short minutes of taking flight, swarmers will lose their wings and drop back to the earth. All that is left is a pile of discarded wings, some lonely or dead termites, and a determined homeowner, ready to do whatever it takes to get rid of termites on their property.

Although the swarmers themselves are only there to reproduce, the workers in the same colony are a menace to homeowners nationwide. Termites are one of the most destructive pests to your home and property. Termites in New York, Eastern subterranean termites, form massive colonies in the ground. They are hard to detect and often termite infestations are left unnoticed until a large amount of visible damage has been done.

If you suspect that your property in Long Island, the Five Boroughs, Westchester County, or Connecticut has termites, call Parkway for a termite inspection. There is no time to waste as termites can quickly leave costly damages to the structures of your home and property.

From all of us at Parkway Pest Services, Happy Valentine’s Day!
