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Long Island Business Owner's Guide To Pest Bird Control

Pigeons on sitting on top of building

Have you ever seen a group of pigeons take flight in the city? It is like an explosion. Within seconds, the air is filled with flapping birds, with sound reflecting off every hard surface. After the explosion and flapping, the birds come back to touch down where they were and nibble on the tiny morsels they've found on the city street. This is a common occurrence and is almost integrated into the experience of walking through a city. Most of us don't stop to ask, "Why are there so many pigeons in Long Island?" They're just a part of the organic landscape. Today, we're asking that question. We think it is an important question to ask. Understanding why there are so many pigeons in Long Island can help us reduce pigeon populations and reduce all of the many threats that come with having pigeons around.

Pigeons are highly intelligent and highly adaptable birds. They are one of the few animals that can pass the mirror test. What is the mirror test? It is the ability to recognize one's reflection in a mirror. Being able to do this is a sign of high intelligence. Pigeons are so smart, they're able to recognize all 26 letters of the English alphabet. For an animal, that is an impressive feat! 

Why is this important? Because pigeons are smart enough to find food options that other animals cannot detect or gain access to. You may have heard that feeding birds is not a good idea. This is true. You can reduce bird pests by protecting or eliminating food sources. But pigeons don't need you to feed them. They're able to find food in surprising ways. They're also able to detect foods that other animals would pass by because they simply don't realize there is food laying out. Have you ever put a piece of food on the floor for your dog or cat and wondered why they're ignoring it? It may just be that they're not smart enough to realize you've put food down. It is only when they smell it and recognize the smell that they eat it up. Pigeons can fly over a McDonalds and see you wave your hand through the air and know that you just threw some French fries on the ground. They don't need to smell those fries to know that you've put some food down.

Pigeon Problems

  • Diseases: Pigeons are opportunistic eaters. They'll eat bread thrown on the ground, bird seed from feeders, and French fries in parking lots. The city is filled with opportunities to get a free and easy meal for a smart bird. Some of the places they find an easy meal is inside dumpsters or from trash piles. This exposes them to harmful bacteria and parasitic worms.
  • Damage: Uric acid in pigeon droppings is able to eat away at concrete and corrode metal.
  • Injury: The feces from pigeons is slick when wet or when frozen. This can create a slipping hazard. For a business, this can become a liability.
  • Noise: Pigeons can make quite a disturbance.

Pigeon Control

How do you control smart birds? Well, it can be tricky. Every once in awhile, a pigeon will outsmart bird control professionals and do something unexpected, like roost right in the midst of some birds spikes. But most of the time, these smart birds understand that they are not welcome, and with a mixture of bird control solutions, complete control can be achieved, even for smart birds like the pigeon.

If you need assistance with bird control in Long Island, we can help you get the results you're looking for. Our bird control specialists have a strong track record. We can handle your bird control needs, no matter how smart your pest birds are. Reach out to Parkway Pest Services today. You don't have to let your property go to the birds.
