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Are You Seeing Digger Bees In Your Yard?

digger bees

Digger bees are another type of stinging insect that plagues us here on Long Island and the New York/Connecticut region. They are solitary bees and build mounds in the ground which is why they are also called ground bees or ground-nesting bees. Only one bee occupies each nest.

Facts About Digger Bees

Since these bees are generally active from June through September in our area, our team at Parkway Pest Services has been receiving quite a few calls from homeowners noticing these stinging insects and their nests in their lawns recently. Due to this influx of calls about digger bees, we thought it a good time to point out a couple of things in regards to these stinging insects in Long Island.

  • Digger bees are pretty docile, but they may sting if provoked (in other words, don’t mow over their nests).
  • They pose no threat to homes or structures but can turn your lawn into an unsightly mess with all their mounds.
  • Digger bees prefer well-drained soil and areas with little vegetation so adding mulch and watering your lawn often may help deter these stinging pests.

How Parkway Can Help You Get Rid Of Digger Bees

If you’ve noticed digger bees on your property, give us a call or simply schedule your free inspection online. Either way, our Long Island exterminators are ready to help you get rid of digger bees and other stinging insects!

Serving Long Island, Queens, and NYC, Parkway Pest Services also offers stinging insect control services in Greenwich, and Fairfield County, CT. Contact us today for relief from your pest problems!
