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Ten Things You Didn't Know About New York's Camel Crickets

camel cricket on rug

In New York, we have a cricket that is often misunderstood. It is called the camel cricket. When you find camel crickets clinging to the walls in your cellar, you might think you have a spider infestation. They look a little bit like spiders because the knee joints of their legs are higher than their bodies and they cling to walls like spiders do. But once you recover from fright, and grab a flashlight to take a closer look, you'll notice that the creepy pests you're finding in your cellar only have six legs—not eight. Here are a few things you might want to know about these spider-like crickets when you find them in your New York home.

1. Camel Crickets Are Only Distantly Related To Field Crickets

The first misunderstanding that should be addressed is that camel crickets and field crickets are different creatures. Field crickets are from the family Gryllidae; Camel crickets are from the family Rhaphidophoridae. They're so distantly related that some entomologists don't consider camel crickets to be a true cricket. 

2. Camel Crickets Go By Many Names

It can be confusing when looking for information about camel crickets because they go by a number of names. You may know them as camelback crickets. You may know them as cave weta or cave crickets. You may know them as spider crickets, sprickets, or criders. These common names give insight into the visual characteristics and habitat preferences of these pests. But all these names can make researching these little "criders" a complicated process.

3. Camel Crickets Don't Chirp

If you hear a chirping noise inside your home, it isn't coming from a camel cricket. These insects don't chirp. This is a blessing and a curse. On the positive side, you won't be awakened at 2:00 in the morning by the incessant noise of an unwanted guest. The downside is that these crickets can startle you. Camel crickets have a defensive behavior that causes them to spring at anything they perceive to be a threat. A little chirp would be nice before having a spider-like bug spring directly at your face.

4. Camel Crickets Are Nocturnal

These insects are active at night and they prefer to be in dark places. This is another trait that can be annoying. It is one thing to have a bug spring at you in a well-lit room. It is quite another to have it springing from the darkness of your basement.

5. Camel Crickets Are Flightless

There are around one hundred different species of crickets in America. Some have wings and fly quite well. Some have wings and rarely fly. Camel crickets have no wings and, as you can probably guess, never fly. 

6. Camel Crickets Are The "Goat" Of The Insect World

Camel crickets are omnivores in the truest sense of the word. They eat a surprising number of things. Among other things, they eat insects, fungi, fabrics, organic sludge in trash, feces, and even each other.  

7. Camel Crickets Will Attract Spiders To Your Home

When you see these spider-like bugs in your cellar or basement, it won't be long before you start seeing actual spiders. Camel crickets are a tasty morsel for many species of spiders.

8. Camel Crickets Can Bite

These crickets have mouthparts that can bite you, but it is highly unlikely that they will. One of the few things they don't subsist on is blood.

9. Camel Crickets Are Attracted To Moisture

If you have moisture, dampness, or humidity in your home, these pests are going to feel right at home. You can have an impact on camel cricket populations by drying things out. Add dehumidifiers and fans to humid locations if you want to reduce crickets.

10. Camel Crickets Can Be Controlled

Licensed pest control professionals have products and methods that can eliminate camel crickets from your home and keep them from coming in again.

New York Cricket Control

If you live in NYC, let the pest control experts at Parkway Pest Services help you deal with camel cricket problems. Reach out to us today for fast, friendly service.
