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Are Termites Still A Problem For Westchester Homes In Winter?

termites on the ground

Probably the biggest investment you will ever make in your lifetime is when you choose to buy a home. Once you have purchased your first home you will understand that there is nothing like it. It is yours, a little piece of earth that you can call your own. That is until termites show up to set claim to it. They will take the liberty of renovating to fit their needs. Not only are they unwanted guests, but they are destructive ones at that. This leaves us with a big question, are our homes safe this winter from termites?

What Happens to Termites During The Winter In Westchester

Termites are much like other pests in that they need warmth to survive. In the wild, when the weather starts to cool down, termites can do one of two things: dig deeper underground to survive or find a place that remains warm throughout the year. What better place than in the structural wood of our always temperature-controlled homes?

Although it is true that termite invasion rates drastically drop during the colder months, it is also true that a home that is already infested as fall changes to winter, that infestation will remain and will even grow larger as spring comes around if left unaddressed. Don’t let your guard down, keep your eyes out for termites and the damage they cause this winter. 

Spotting Termites In Westchester

Here are some common things you can look for to spot termites before they do too much damage:

  • Look for mud tubes along the exterior foundation of your home, crawling upwards. These tubes are the highways termites often use to stay moisturized when invading our homes.
  • Keep an eye out for entry and exit holes in the wood of your home. These holes tend to be small and hard to spot, so you will need to look carefully to find them.
  • Call a professional to have them take a look. Termites are invasive, hard-to-spot pests that require a trained eye to detect and identify.

Get the Professionals Involved

Some pests are easier to handle than others. There is no arguing that termites are one of the most difficult. Parkway Pest Services offers termite protection plans designed to fit each home's specific needs. If you are worried termites may have invaded your Westchester home, give us a call. We are happy to inspect your home. If we find termites, you can rest assured, with Parkway on the job, they won’t be around for long!
