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Pest Spotlight: Carpenter Bees In Long Island

a carpenter bee on a hollow branch

The breezes from the Atlantic ocean make summer on Long Island enjoyable as you relish the outdoor pleasures on the beaches, trails, and ocean roads. One thing that can disrupt your summer fun is the carpenter bee. This type of bee can wreak havoc on your home and be a nuisance as you relax in your yard. To avoid potential problems and annoyance of carpenter bees, you need the best pest control In Long Island, Parkway Pest Services.

How To Identify Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees (Xylocopa virginica) are confused with bumblebees, but there are some distinct differences. Unlike bumblebees, carpenter bees are not social creatures which means they do not live in colonies. There are varieties of carpenter beesbut the carpenter bees on Long Island are the eastern carpenter bee type.

The following are contrasting characteristics that can help you identify eastern carpenter bees apart from a bumblebee:

  • Carpenter bee: shiny black abdomen
    • Bumblebee: hairy abdomen with a yellow band
  • Carpenter bee: Yellow hair on the thorax
    • Bumblebee: Yellow and black hair on the thorax
  • Carpenter bee: build nests in wood
    • Bumblebee: build nests in the ground
  • Carpenter bee: found around wood structures
    • Bumblebee: found around flowers

Although there is a resemblance between the types of bees, there are features and habits that distinguish them apart from each other.

Does Anything Instantly Kill Carpenter Bees?

If you are willing to take the risk of a sting from the carpenter bee, you can instantly kill carpenter bees around your house one at a time with a flyswatter. Another option, which can also result in a sting or two if you are not careful, is to blow insecticidal dust or pyrethrum spray into nest openings. To avoid stings, you should use these procedures at night when the bees are less active. Since the bees cannot see red light, cover the light with red cellophane, thus enabling you to see without attracting their unwanted attention. Finally, be sure to wear protective clothing to help prevent multiple stings.

After treating the nest holes, do not immediately plug them but allow them to stay open so the female carpenter bee will be exposed to the poison. To get rid of carpenter bees in Long Island for good, the best solution is to allow the team at Parkway Pest Services to come to your aid.

What Damages Can Carpenter Bees Cause In Long Island

As the term "carpenter" implies, these bees like wood. If you don't keep carpenter bees away they will damage wood structures on your property. Carpenter bees do not eat wood, but they create tunnels in untreated, unpainted, thick wooden objects. The following are common targets of carpenter bees:

  • Doors
  • Roof eaves
  • Windowsills

The initial hole is about 1/2 inch wide, one inch in depth, drilled by the female, and against the grain of the wood. After about one inch is excavated, she starts a series of tunnels parallel to the grain of the wood. These tunnels function to shelter the carpenter bee babies. Carpenter bee babies (larvae) attract woodpeckers resulting in potentially more damage to your wood structures. In addition, the holes are conducive to rot and decay due to moisture intrusion.

What Is The Best Treatment For Carpenter Bees

If you want to eliminate carpenter bees for good without the potential for stings by the females (the males do not have a stinger, but they are aggressive and intimidating), contact the licensed professional at Parkway Pest Services. We will treat the carpenter bee nests on your Long Island property and work out a course of action to prevent future infestations. Reach out to us today and learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control services, and let us partner with you to stop carpenter bees before they cause significant damage to your home.
