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What Long Island Property Owners Ought To Know About Bat Control


Some of the creepiest pests are the ones that run amok during the dark hours of the day. Nocturnal bats may not pose direct threats to people, but these nighttime flyers have caused many scares, and you don’t want them nesting on your property. Learn how you can stay protected and how to take proper steps to keep them off your property.

Local Bat Populations

Most people don’t bother to get a good enough look at bats to tell their species. But proper pest prevention requires identifying the problem. Here are some of the most common varieties of bats to encounter locally:

  • Brown bats: Found in both big and small varieties, these are the most common bats in North America. They have brown fur and dark, leathery wings.
  • Tri-colored bats: Distinguishable by their orange or golden fur, they are often found in smaller numbers than others.
  • Northern long-eared bats: Commonly found during warm summer months, these bats are experts at flying through dense boreal forests.

The Benefits And Harms Of Bats

While bats aren’t the vampire-like beasts they are often portrayed as, these pests can still pose greater problems for property owners than simply scaring the bejeezus out of them. Here are some common issues associated with invasive bat populations:

  • Odor: Bats huddle together when inactive to help stay warm and account for their offspring. A large number of bats hanging out in the walls or attic can quickly turn into a foul-smelling area of concern.
  • Noise: The chittering, screeching noises that bats make in order to figure out their surroundings isn’t pleasant to listen to at all hours. While bats are most active at night, they can be a nuisance during the day if awoken by human activity and have something to crow about.
  • Damage: Bat feces and urine not only stink up your property, but they are also highly corrosive. If left untreated, bat populations can lead to structural damage or ruined materials.

Bat Prevention For Your Property

Once they’ve nested, bats are incredibly hard to remove. Not only are they not often seen during the day, but they also can squeeze back into hard-to-reach areas of a home in order to avoid detection or removal. Here are some steps you can take to help ensure that bat populations never move in:

  • Landscaping: While bats can fly from virtually anywhere and onto your rooftops and structures, they are more prone to find a way inside your house if they have a nearby branch to land on and scope the place out. Keep tree limbs trimmed well away from any structures.
  • Hole repair: Bats look for small imperfections in the wood or shingles of a roof to squeeze through. Regularly checking for any faults around the outside of your property can help you address these access points early.
  • Netting: Some local stores and pest services offer bat netting installation, which helps keep out bats and birds and discourages them from landing near your property. Contact your local pest professionals for more info.

Professional Protection From Parkway

People don’t often realize that they have bat populations nearby until it’s too late. Once these nocturnal hunters are spotted, you can usually bet that they’ve found a nesting spot somewhere nearby. To ensure that it’s not on your property, contact the professionals who can provide a thorough inspection. At Parkway Pest Services, our friendly staff can give you even more helpful tips, or get you started on proper prevention and elimination today.

Don’t wait for bats to become a haunted nuisance on your property, turn to Parkway Pest Services right away for total bat control.
